Conversation with a future sculpture.

I wonder who you are.
I don’t know you.
I am thinking about you.
I am regarding you.
You could be anyone.
You are everyone.
I’m dreaming.
I want something from you.
I have something to give in return.
Your help will be appreciated.
I cannot promise anything.
I’ll give you freedom to choose.
What are you doing?
Why are you doing it?
Don’t do nothing: do something.
Anything is not something, and something is not nothing, right?
What shall I ask?
What can you do?
This will be engaging
This is a solution.
This is a progressive act.
Transgressive, too, no doubt.
We are about to find out.
Are you sitting comfortably?
Do you need anything?
Does this alarm you?
Are you anxious?
What do you think I am thinking?
How can we know each other’s mind?
Have you thought about me recently?
Have you thought about the future recently?
I’m involving you in my life.
I’m involving you in the creative process.
This is an act of terrorism.
There can be no alternative, since you’ve already agreed.
I will destroy you.
I will make you.
I am afraid.
Can you believe?
Do you trust me?
I’m about to start. Are you ready?
I want to look away but you’re too ugly.
This is a compulsion, then?
This is an imposition.
We are about to discover something.
We are about to become something new.
I can’t do this and not feel lonely.
I can’t do this and not be aware.
If there was another way to begin I would.
I have to start thinking about practicalities.
I have to start.
I’ll begin.
I’ve begun.
I might need to stop soon. This is normal.
You don’t know that you exist, do you?
Maybe you won’t ever know.
I’ve had ideas like these before.
They were failures, and I still hurt from the memory.
I don’t want to repeat, to mimic.
I think this will be different.
Are you tired of me yet?
Imagine being me.
No, wait, that’s it: Imagine being you.
I am you.
That’s what I need to believe.
Not that you are I, but that I am manifestly you.
I’ll breathe through you.
I’ll think your thoughts.
I’ll become you.
I’ll make you in my image.
No, I’ll wait for that. That comes later.
Becoming you.
Becoming the future.
You’re it. You’re the next.
Have I begun, then?
Can I realise this through thought alone?
Does this need to embody action to become real?
What does this relationship rely upon?
I’m stuck, perhaps, but you’re here for a reason.
I’m here for a reason. I am the reason.
This feels strange.
You’re part of me, yes, but who are you, again?
Give me a chance to think things over.
I’m trying to get to know you.
I suppose I’m trying to get to know me.
You seem disinterested.
The focus of our work together is going to become clear.
There is no need to get ahead of ourselves.
I remember the others.
I remember what has happened.
I remember feeling differently.
I remember thinking that I knew what I was doing.
Certainty is, therefore, temporary.
I’ll create new memories in time.
You will have forgotten.
You will belong to a different time.
We’ll live together for a while.
You won’t change.
I have no regrets.
You are different.
You will be different.
You will be the same.
You will unfurl into time, and I will crumple.
I’ll have to be careful.
I’ll have to be courageous.
You can stand alone.
I will leave you.
I’ll give you away.
You’ll be taken.
You will leave me.
I won’t forget you.
You don’t care.
I care too much.
What can I do to stop this?
Can I hold back?
Can I prevent?
I will bring about the beginning.
I shall create inception.
I shall begin again.
I will reset the clock.
You are synchronised.
You are synchronous.
You are dissonant.
You will exist outside of me.
You will occupy your own territory.
You will not own yourself.
You will, instead, belong.
I cut away a piece of me.
I give it to you.
You are my flesh.
I will never recover.
You will not reproduce this experience.
We will separate forever.
I am deformed by your presence.
I am deflected.
You consume me.
If I could I would love you.
Stand further away.
Show yourself.
I know you can’t.
You are helpless.
You depend upon me.
You are helpless.
I’m thinking about you more.
I am considering your attributes.
I am contemplating your characteristics.
I am deliberating over your dimensions.
I am procrastinating.
What do you want to be?
How can I help you?
Can you talk?
Are you talking to me?
Am I listening?
What do you want to say?
Who are you talking to?
Can we think things through a little?

I’d like to start, though I have said this already.
I’d like to begin with your appearance.
I’d like to think about light.
I’m thinking about light.
I’d like to start with just one.
I’ve got some ideas.
You must be honest.
You must be sincere.
You must tell the truth.
You must obey.

We will be friends and we will be enemies.
We refers to us.
I can hear you.
I think you’re calling to me.
I can’t make out what you’re saying.
Come closer.
You are in shadow.
You are occluded.

Are you an object?
Are you objective?
Are you a solid?
Are you a plane?
Are you a volume?
Are you a weight?
What is your dimension?
Can I see you?
Can I touch you?
Are you there?
Are you making a sound?
Are you glowing?
Are you too hot or cold?
Do you decay?
Will you fade?
Do you crumble?
What is your smell?
Have you any interior?
Will you sit or stand, rest or float?
Are you smooth?
Would I hurt you if I touched you?
Would you be offended if I looked away?
Can you be cut?
How close may I stand?
Can I get inside you?
Do you have a story?
Is it in my language?
Where do you begin?
Where do you go?
How do we relate?

I am not here for you.
I unleash you.
Freedom is expensive.
Put yourself in jeopardy.
Lie still.
Die off.
This is bewildering.
I’m playing god.
You’re an angel.

Conversation with a future sculpture

text / audio recording / performance
1073 words / 10m:22s

C-print on archival paper from digital original
80 x 60 cm (95 x 75 cm framed)
edition of 5

An interrogation of a potential, as-yet-unmade artwork, in the form of a one-sided conversation.

2’52” excerpt from single channel recording

Further information

This series of questions, statements and provocations were written using a similar methodology to my work “How to put up a shelf” i.e. I review a video of me performing an action, and retrospectively write the decisions and questions I made and asked during the documented time period.

In this case, however, the action I am reviewing is the imagining of a future state, a work of art as yet unmade, so no such documentation yet exists. Thus I have to imagine what may come, how it might seem, what it may or may not be.

The conversation is one sided, since the Future Sculpture does not yet exist, though it has responded – for this text see the work: “My response is to be considered